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Privacy Policy

Data storage

We collect the domain and IP address of all visitors to this website. This information does not identify you as an individual, but only the computer that is being used to view the site. The data is used for statistical analysis to help us improve our service to you. We do not link this data with any personal information collected through the site. We also use cookies on this website for statistical analysis. Please see our Cookie Policy below for further information.

Data collection and use

We do not collect any personal information through this site.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are not dangerous to you or your computer.

We use cookies on this website to distinguish between different visitors, improve navigation for visitors and learn how the website is used so we can run reports and identify ways to make improvements.

We do not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information.

Managing and removing cookies

Most web browsers allow you to manage the acceptance or blocking of cookies by using their settings.

What happens if I disable cookies?

We have taken care to ensure that you can use this website with cookies disabled. However, disabling or blocking cookies may result in some degradation of website performance, and in exceptional cases some features may not work at all.